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Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy 

Policy details

Date created - November 2024

Date most recently reviewed by governors  - to be approved in January 2025


Policy details        1

1. Policy Statement and Purpose        2

2. Rules and Ways of Being        2

3. Rights and Responsibilities        3

4. Developing Positive Behaviour        3

5. Recognition        3

6. Classroom Strategies and Expectations        3

7. Expectations Around the Academy        3

8. Expectations outside of School        4

9.  Consequences        4

10. Further Intervention and Support        4

11. Child on Child Abuse        4

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation        6

  1. Policy Statement and Purpose

Co-op Academy Walkden is a learning community that is part of a wider movement that was founded by the Rochdale Pioneers in 1844, on a set of values and principles describing a different, fairer and better way of being. We try to demonstrate our commitment to these values and principles in everything we do:

  • Self-help: when the school community joins together, we make a difference; whether it’s meeting challenges in the classroom, supporting our chosen charity or working in our local community.
  • Self-responsibility: Every member of our academy community must do their bit, making our academy a success by supporting its aims, meeting our expectations and encouraging others to do the same.
  • Democracy: All members of our academy are encouraged to take an active part in decision making. The Pupil Council have been involved with the development of this policy.
  • Equality: Our academy gives all members an opportunity to succeed, with due regard to their needs.
  • Equity: we are committed to fairness. This means each individual has the right to feel safe, valued and respected and be treated fairly; but also that no individual will be allowed to have a disproportionate impact on the chances of others.
  • Solidarity: Together we are stronger, so we work together to help our pupils achieve even more.

Relationships are the key to successful achievement and positive behaviour. Co-op Academy Walkden seeks to encourage, reinforce and support positive behaviour through effective working relationships between staff and pupils.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy Walkden website):

Anti Bullying

Equality Statement and Objectives

Health and Safety

Positive Handling

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Special Educational Needs

Mental Health and Well-Being



This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:

Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff

School suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)

Education and Inspections Act (2006)

School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)

Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)

In addition to this guidance, Co-op Academies recognises that although schools serve local communities and therefore design their behaviour and culture around their context, there are fundamental principles behind great school culture. These have been laid out here in our Behaviour Principles - and underpin the spirit and content of this policy.

  1. Rules and Ways of Being

Co-op Academy Walkden is underpinned by the values of the Co-op and all within the academy aspire to the Co-op Ways of Being:

Do What Matters Most:

Focus on the things that make a difference and never get distracted by the unimportant.

Be Yourself Always:

Everyone is welcome and no one has the right to make others feel that they do not belong.

Succeed Together:

Staff and pupils work with, never against each other, in order to give every pupil the best start in life.

Show you Care:

Staff show their care through support and challenge, while pupils show their care through their effort and resilience.

At Co-op Academy Walkden, we expect all pupils to do what matters most, by being:

Ready to learn

  • be on time for all sessions
  • have the correct equipment for my lesson
  • be dressed in the correct uniform

Respectful of others and the learning environment

  • allow others to learn by speaking, using appropriate language and tone, and listening at the right times
  • allow the teacher and other adults to help my class learn
  • follow the requests of teachers and other adults to follow the simple, fair rules

Responsible for your actions

  • prioritise learning in each lessons above everything else
  • complete class and homework to the best of my ability
  • always try my best, even when it gets really hard

We expect all staff and pupils to promote and display these ways of being and so become role models for their peers. We expect all pupils to act as ambassadors for our standards of excellence in the wider community outside the Academy.

  1. Rights and Responsibilities

Parents are responsible for:

  • Following the Home Academy Agreement (see Appendix 2).
  • Supporting their child in adhering to the above expectations.
  • Informing the academy of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour.
  • Discussing any behavioural concerns with the class teacher promptly.

Pupils are responsible for:

  • Routinely demonstrating our Coop Ways of Being
  • Routinely Demonstrating Readiness, Respect and Responsibility.

The Academy Community Council are responsible for:

  • Reviewing this behaviour policy in conjunction with the Principal
  • Monitoring the policy’s effectiveness, holding the Principal to account for its implementation.

The Principal is responsible for:

  • Approving and reviewing this behaviour policy in conjunction with the Academy Community Council.
  • Through delegation amongst the Senior Leadership Team, ensuring that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and supporting staff to deal effectively with poor behaviour.
  • Through delegation amongst the Senior Leadership Team, monitoring how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.

Staff are responsible for:

  • Setting the tone and context for positive behaviour within the academy through the development of effective working relationships with pupils and the modelling of positive behaviour at every opportunity throughout the school day (see Section 4).
  • Promoting our pupil expectations (the 3 R’s) and ways of being at all times.
  • Implementing the behaviour policy consistently and fairly.
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils.
  • Accurately recording behaviour incidents in Arbor in a timely manner.
  • The senior leadership team will ensure that all staff are trained in behaviour management [with identified staff receiving specific training on the proper use of restraint] as part of their induction process and ongoing CPD.
  • The senior leadership team will challenge and support staff in responding to behaviour incidents.

  1. Developing Positive Behaviour

Behaviour is learned and, just as some pupils find learning difficult, so others need additional support to learn how to behave appropriately in a supportive learning environment. It is the responsibility of staff to set and uphold positive norms in their classroom, holding all pupils in unconditional positive regard.

All staff must have high expectations of all pupils both in and out of lessons and should actively promote our ways of being at every opportunity in the school day. Therefore, all staff are expected to use the following behaviour management techniques:

  • Be a positive role model: Be at the door, smile, be enthusiastic about working with the pupils and about the content/context of the lesson. Take an interest in the children in your care.
  • Own your classroom: a seating plan is essential for every class.
  • Build good routines/rituals, such as a formal start to the lesson: A formal greeting, with pupils standing behind desks and then straight into the register is how all pupils should expect every lesson to start. Use positive reinforcement to make this your classroom norm.
  • Teach your expectations and the routines that will help pupils meet them: Do this as explicitly as you would subject content and regularly reboot it, rather than waiting for standards to slide before revisiting them.
  • Start each day with a clean slate:  Make sure that incidents have been dealt with from prior lessons. Pupils should be spoken to in Reset or outside of the lesson.
  • Pastore’s Perch: Stand in a position in the room where you can see every pupil clearly and easily.
  • Be seen looking: Scan the room in a highly visible manner so that all pupils know that you are looking and ensuring a safe environment.
  • Be calm but authoritative: Constantly move around and scan your class, giving positive specific feedback to pupils who show the behaviours that you want. Use non verbal cues and silent signals: don’t underestimate the power of eye contact. Think about your tone of voice:
  • Expectant, calm, measured = teacher in control.
  • Reactive, loud, rushed = teacher on the edge

N.B. This doesn’t mean a raised voice is wrong: it just can’t be a teacher’s default and must always be controlled.

  • Be clear: About the correct way to participate in an activity e.g. ‘Follow the text with your finger.’ ‘Working in silence, I want you to independently begin the task.’ Also regarding instructions and time limits, checking that pupils understand the instructions and then give a clear signal to begin work eg. ‘Everybody ready to start in 3,2,1… Go.’
  • Narrate the positive: Recognise and describe positive actions by pupils to give them attention and status when they meet your expectations, to positively frame the lesson and focus attention on the behaviours that you want.
  • Signal, Pause, Insist: Teach the class how you will signal that you need their attention (we will use 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), wait until you have total compliance, where you do not get compliance, use the strategies below to get it before moving on.
  • Use the least invasive intervention first and de-escalate: communicate expectations of behaviour in ways other than verbally (e.g. eye contact, non-aggressive body language, signal, pause insist etc), keeping your hands free as far as possible to enable least invasive hand signalling. When verbal intervention is needed, give it individually, out of earshot of the rest of the class. Give time and space for the pupil to comply and steer them towards better choices.
  • Be consistent: pupils must know you as a predictable, reliable, fair and consistent professional. However, you are aiming for a high degree of consistency, not perfection: exceptions are sometimes needed, but they should be exceptional.
  • Be fair: Whole class sanctions must never be used because they are unfair.
  • Apply Achievement Points and praise with care: Don’t be ‘that teacher’ who never gives Achievement Points, but don’t devalue them by giving them out when they haven’t been earned. Give specific feedback as to why you are praising a pupil or giving Achievement Points, so that you teach the class your expectations.
  • Positive and effective behaviour management should mean that the consequences system is not used frequently because pace, challenge and positive reinforcement should sustain pupils and enthuse them.

All staff receive an induction into our ‘Warm/Strict’ culture upon taking up post. There is an annual knowledge check taken by all staff to ensure understanding of the most recent behaviour policy.

All in year admissions receive a 1:1 induction with the Vice Principal, Pastoral and are given a key information pack covering our ways of working before they start. A Behaviour Curriculum lesson is regularly delivered to all pupils during Personal Development to support pupils’ understanding of our expectations.

  1. Recognition

We show that we care by recognising effort, as well as by challenging inappropriate behaviour.

We will recognise positive behaviour with:

  • Verbal praise: specific verbal acknowledgement of great attitude, quality of learning etc
  • Achievement Points
  • Half termly Golden Ticket weeks
  • Texts, postcards, letters or phone calls home to parents
  • Distribution of random recognition tickets for improved or excellent attendance, punctuality, behaviour and effort. These are ‘cashed in’ through regular raffles for pupils.rt
  • Annual awarding of merit badges and celebration evenings
  • Pupil Leadership: Pupils have the opportunity to become a PD Ambassador, Prefect, Deputy Head Pupil, Head Pupil and represent the School Council,

Achievement Points can be awarded to individuals who demonstrate any of our 4 Ways of Being:

  • Do what matters most
  • Be yourself, always
  • Show you care
  • Succeed together

Ms Earley, Assistant Principal, has responsibility for rewards and recognition and is working with the Pupil Council to further develop rewards.

Ms Walker, Associate Assistant Principal, has responsibility for Pupil Leadership.

6. Classroom Strategies and Expectations

All teachers are expected to consistently use the strategies described in Section 4 to promote good behaviour for learning. Low stakes reminders and redirection should be used in the vast majority of situations to de-escalate and and avoid the need for use of the formal consequences system.

Warning: When a pupil breaches expectations (the 3 R’s) in class and will not respond to the techniques used above, they should be formally warned that continued misbehaviour will result in consequences as outlined below in Section 9. It may be appropriate to speak with the pupil just outside the classroom or to allow them a moment to ‘calm down’ outside, before continuing with the lesson. If a warning is necessary, focus on the behaviour, not the pupil. Language is important and a firm (but matter of fact) assertion by the teacher will always work best e.g. “Chris, you shouted out; you know what the rule is; make sure you put your hand up in future.” Use the warning as a lever to improve behaviour rather than punishing what has already happened, by checking that the pupil understands why you have had to issue a warning. “I am issuing a warning because… What do you need to do to avoid getting C1?” If they still will not comply, then the following consequences system should be used as outlined in Section 9: consequences cannot be ‘earned back’ as a result of good behaviour later in the lesson.

7. Expectations Around the Academy

School starts at 8.30 sharp and so pupils are expected on site by 8.15. School runs a breakfast club from 8.00 with a complimentary breakfast bagel to encourage good punctuality. Pupils who arrive to school after 8.30 are issued with a break detention. Pupils who arrive after 8.50 are issued a lunchtime detention.

Energy drinks are not allowed in school and will be confiscated on sight. If any pupil has sweets/chocolate that are excessive for an individual to consume in the day, we will assume on the balance of probability that they are bringing them in to sell to others and so will confiscate them: parents will be notified of this.

Outside of the classroom, pupils are expected to:

  • move calmly but quickly to my next lesson during the allocated transition times, keeping to the left where appropriate.
  • respect the property of other pupils and the school environment.
  • return any plates and cutlery to the washing area in the canteen at lunchtimes
  • ensure that any rubbish is placed in the bins provided, both in the canteen and around school
  • respond respectfully to all staff and promptly follow all requests to act in a safe and calm manner.
  • ensure the right of all members of the school community to be safe and treated with dignity and respect.

Given the number of pupils on site, the yard has a ‘no running’ rule. Pupils who repeatedly breach this will be asked to return indoors.


Mobile phones, earphones and other forms of mobile technology are not allowed to be used in school and are required to be kept completely out of sight at all times. Should a pupil be seen with a mobile phone, this will result in a C2 and Reset placement. Pupils will be required to hand their phone in prior to their Reset placement starting. Phones will be returned at the end of the school day, but airpods or other confiscated items are returned at the end of the school week.

8. Expectations outside of School

As per DfE Advice for headteachers and school staff (Feb 2024) the academy has the power to sanction pupils for misbehaviour outside of the school premises to such an extent as is reasonable.

Therefore, before and after school, the following expectations apply:

  • Pupils must wear academy uniform correctly and with pride.
  • Pupils must be polite and respectful to all members of the wider community and the local environment.
  • Pupils must act responsibly and safely at all times when travelling to and from school, including on public or school transport.

Where misconduct outside of school occurs that may either cause reputational damage to the academy or cause harm to members of the academy community, pupils will be sanctioned using the same range of consequences that apply in school: Community Conduct Detention, Reset, Off Site Direction, Suspension or Permanent Exclusion. Where criminal activity is suspected, school will work with police and other agencies to ensure an appropriate and proportionate response.

9.  Consequences

Although Co-op Academy Walkden does everything they can to mitigate the need for consequences and sanctions, we know that Pupils do make mistakes. If a Pupil’s conduct falls below the expectations laid out in this policy (including expectations inside and outside school) and does not respond to the de-escalation strategies described in Sections 4 and 6, the following consequences would apply:

  • C1: This will be used if there is no improvement following a verbal warning and is recorded on Arbor. As written above, before awarding a C1 for disruption, the teacher should use non verbal cues, and reminders, before giving a verbal warning to give the pupil the opportunity to make the correct choice and improve their own behaviour before moving to formal consequences.
  • C2: This will be used if there is no improvement following a C1 and the pupil is causing a severe breakdown of learning. If you have to issue a C2, enter it on Arbor to alert Reset staff to collect the pupil. When a staff member arrives at your room, do not spend a long time describing the problem: instead try to positively frame the good conduct of the majority. Where a C2 is required, the C1 should be removed to avoid a double consequence.
  • C3: This will be used for extremely serious instances that, if they happened out of school, would be of interest to the police: where a pupil is involved in sexualised, discriminatory or sustained bullying, serious theft or graffitti, foul and abusive language, violence, or possession of illegal items. C3 must be recorded on Arbor immediately so that it may be dealt with swiftly. and a period of either isolation or suspension will be issued. Parental contact will be made, following the period of isolation, off site direction or suspension.

Compliance with policy and Consistency of practice, leads to Coherence for pupils:

Recognition: catch pupils being good and celebrate it… it works!

Non verbal cues: the most effective way to regain attention without interrupting the flow of your lesson

Verbal reminders & redirection: calm and in control

Warning: give a choice

C1: be clear about this being issued and be clear about why it has been issued

C2: a lever to improve behaviour rather than punishing what has already happened

C3: for behaviour that, out of school, could involve the police

CC: for behaviour outside of the classroom: not an alternative to a C2

10. Further Intervention and Support

There are 4 levels of report used to promote positive behaviour:

  • Positive Comments Book
  • Personal Development Tutor Report
  • Head of Year (pastoral related issues) or Progress Leader (academic related issues) Report
  • Senior Leader Report

These are intended to provide clear targets for improvement and daily feedback as to progress made.

The academy recognises its legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent pupils with a protected characteristic from being at a disadvantage. Consequently, our approach to challenging behaviour may be differentiated to cater to the needs of the pupil to reflect our values of Equality and Equity.

The school’s special educational needs co-ordinator will evaluate a pupil who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether they have any underlying needs that are not currently being met.

Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers based in our Hive provision, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs.

Pupils who are placed on the SEND register for any of the 4 areas of need will be issued with a Pupil Passport, which is written with the pupil and offers guidance to class teachers on how to best support them in the classroom. It is a requirement for all class teachers to be aware of and act on Pupil Passports of children in their care, using the strategies laid out in Sections 5, 6 and 9 according to the Coop value of Equity and Teacher Standard 5.

Teacher Standard 5: Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

Know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively  have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these  demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development  have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.

When acute needs, whether in learning, wellbeing or safeguarding, are identified in a pupil, we will liaise with external agencies and plan support programmes for that child. This may take the form of an Early Help Assessment, Multi Agency Meeting or referral to the Hive for outreach work and/or a Pastoral Support Plan. We will work with parents to create plans and review them on a regular basis.

11. Child on Child Abuse

Co-op Academy Walkden is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all Pupils by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
  • Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element

Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment,  we will follow the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.

For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:

Co-op Walkden Anti Bullying Policy.

Co-op Walkden Child Protection Policy.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

12. Suspensions

Guidance regarding the potential reasons for issuing these consequences is available in Appendix 4.

Internal Suspension (Reset):

  • Reset is the academy’s primary strategy for managing disruptive behaviour.
  • Reset is open from 8.30- 3.00 and pupils complete a 24 hour placement that starts when they are checked in to the provision:
  • Arrive Period 1, leave 3.00 same day
  • Arrive Period 2, leave 9.30 next day
  • Arrive Period 3, leave 10.50 next day
  • Arrive Period 4, leave 11.50 next day
  • Arrive Period 5, leave 2.00 next day
  • Where a placement runs over 2 days, pupils are responsible for reporting directly to Reset on the second day. Pupils who need to be collected will complete an additional period in Reset.
  • Pupils work in silence and work is checked every 30 minutes. Pupils who have produced insufficient work for 2 consecutive checks will repeat that lesson in Reset.
  • Pupils remain in Reset for social times and are offered a snack at break and a cold food selection at lunch. 3 toilet breaks are timetabled so that the room can be run efficiently.
  • In any whole-school based behaviour system it is important for all stakeholders to recognise the importance of making reasonable adjustments for pupils who may have difficulties with the rules and expectations set out for legitimate reasons. At Co-op Academy Walkden, we view behaviour as a communication of an emotional need, whether conscious or unconscious. Because of this, the academy will make reasonable adjustments for pupils who have a clear, diagnosed and underlying special educational need/disability as well as pupils who have identified additional needs. This includes an attachment need which requires SEND/pastoral support, making reaching the expected standard of behaviour consistently challenging.
  • Pupils who fail to meet expectations during their placement in Reset will be issued with one or a combination of the following consequences:
  • Repeating the full Reset placement
  • Attending an off site direction at a local school
  • Suspension

Where the same behaviour is repeated and extreme, permanent exclusion may be considered.

Off Site Direction:

  • Off site direction is used as described in (see Appendix 3).
  • Off site direction is used when a pupil needs respite away from a situation at the Academy and so attends the behaviour provision of another school for a period of time to help them improve their behaviour.
  • For Off Site Directions of 5 days or less, the school day is adjusted and the pupil does not attend mainstream classes, so they only have minimal contact with pupils from the receiving school.
  • For Off Site Directions of 6 days or longer, the pupil attends mainstream classes and wears the uniform of the receiving school.
  • The full duration of an off site exclusion must be completed before a pupil returns to Co-op Academy Walkden.
  • Should a pupil commit an offence that would trigger an exclusion for a pupil who is on our single roll, we will consider ending the Off Site Direction. However, before this is done, we will hold an emergency review meeting, to which representatives of the original school will be invited, to consider whether an alternative to termination is appropriate.

Fixed Term Suspension: 

  • Suspension is always used as a last resort in response to the most serious incidents. Written confirmation of a suspension will be sent home through Arbor and work is made available through Google Classroom for the pupil to complete during their suspension. Following a suspension, a parental reintegration meeting is required before the pupil returns to classes. Progress Leaders will hold an interview with pupils returning from any suspension of a day or longer to address and resultant gaps in their knowledge.

Alternative Provision

  • Where evidence shows that a pupil is unable to cope in mainstream, school may decide to secure a place on Alternative Provision. Given that outcomes for pupils on Alternative Provision are poor, this will only ever be used as a last resort and nearly always as a means to further an EHCP application and so secure a more appropriate placement, rather than being a final placement for a pupil. The attendance of pupils on Alternative Provision is checked daily and there are minimum half welfare termly visits by Walkden staff.

Further information on suspensions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy. For further information on consequences for different behaviours see appendix i

13. Permanent Exclusion

Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a Pupil for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a Pupil insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:

  • Serious actual or threatened violence against another Pupil or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
  • Assault on a Pupil or member of staff
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplying or using an illegal drug
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
  • Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying

Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation

The Headteacher has statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff and contractors authorised by the Headteacher. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance.  When conducting searches, the Headteacher will consider the age and ability of Pupils and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the Pupil present and away from other Pupils  (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait).

The school can search a Pupil for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a Pupil possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • stolen items
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence , cause personal injury or damage to property

Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff of the same gender as the Pupil, and with the Pupil present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a Pupil’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).

Staff will confiscate and retain a Pupil’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:

  • returning the item to the Pupil at the end of that lesson
  • returning the item to the Pupil at the end of that day
  • escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
  • discussing with the Pupil’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item

Retention of, damage to or disposal of a Pupil’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.

Mobile Phones / Devices

Mobile phones must not be seen at any point in the school day. Pupils are expected to switch mobile phones off on entry to the school grounds and ensure that they are safely put away out of sight before entering the academy. Should a pupil be seen with their mobile phone for any reason, they will be issued a C2 and placed in Reset. On entry to Reset, pupils must hand their mobile phone in to the Reset Manager: this will be returned at the end of the day.  Pupils’ time in Reset will only start when their mobile phone has been handed in. 


  • If a Pupil refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the Pupil on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose Pupils or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
  • If a Pupil fails to comply, and the school does not let the Pupil in, the Pupil’s absence will be treated as unauthorised. The Pupil should comply with the rules and attend.

Power to use reasonable force  

Members of staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent Pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Headteachers and authorised school staff may also use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search without consent for knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that have been or could be used to commit an offence or cause harm.

The academy follows all DfE guidance for searching, screening and confiscation which can be found here:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Please also see the Co-op Academies Trust Positive Handling Policy for the process of searching and screening and use of reasonable force (available on the school website).

Appendix I - Coding on Arbor (MIS)

We use Arbor to record behaviour incidents. 

There are eleven categories of behaviour incident to allocate any records to:

  1. Disruption to learning
  2. Community conduct
  3. Bullying
  4. Preparation for learning
  5. Disrespect to adults
  6. Disrespect to children
  7. Abusive behaviour (protected characteristics)
  8. Fighting, physically aggressive or threatening violence
  9. Banned items
  10. Dishonesty
  11. Truancy

These categories will be reported at Trust levels for purposes of trend and outcomes analysis.

Within each category, there are sub-categories to guide staff in recording accurately:

Trust Category

School Behaviour Descriptions


Failure to attend a detention

Leaving the classroom without permission

Truancy from lessons

Banned items

Mobile phone seen or heard in school

Using headphones/Bluetooth headsets

Having alcohol, cigarettes/e-cigarettes or other banned substances in school

Having weapons, fireworks or other banned items in school

Disrespect adult

Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against an adult

Rude language or swearing to adults

Walking off from a member of staff

Refusing to follow instructions from staff

Disrespect child

Verbal abuse or threatening behaviour against a pupil

Rude language or swearing to peers


Bullying – physical

Bullying – verbal

Cyber bullying


Cheating in exams/assessments

Theft or bringing in stolen items

Lying about an incident

Community conduct

Damaging school equipment/property

Dangerous or unsafe behaviours

Failure to behave sensibly around the school (such as pushing or horseplay)

Damaging peers' equipment/property

Chewing/eating in class

Littering in the classroom or around the school

Bringing school into disrepute

Abuse - protected characteristic

Homophobic and transphobic language or behaviour

Racist language or behaviour

Sexist or misogynistic language or behaviour

Abuse relating to disability

Fighting, physically aggressive or threatening violence

Physical assault against a pupil

Physical assault against an adult

Threatening physical assault against pupil

Threatening physical assault against pupil


Disruption to learning

Answering back

Calling out

Disturbing others/out of seat without permission

Lack of effort in the classroom

Talking over the teacher

Preparation for learning

Incorrect uniform

Incorrect footwear

Incorrect/no PE kit

Wearing Makeup or Jewellery

Failure to complete homework

Arriving 5 or more minutes late to lesson (without a note from a member of staff)

Inadequate equipment for each lesson (Book, Pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, PE kit)

Appendix 2 - Home-Academy Agreement

Our mission is to provide a safe and caring environment in which each pupil can receive a first-class education. To enable this to happen, we recognise the importance of working cooperatively with parents and pupils. This home-academy agreement acknowledges the important role each party has to play in this journey.

The Academy will:

  • Provide quality teaching for every pupil
  • Provide a safe and caring environment for learning
  • Have high expectations of conduct for everyone in the academy
  • Challenge and support pupils to be responsible for their actions
  • Treat each pupil fairly and with respect
  • Encourage pupils to become independent learners, with a desire to fulfil their full potential
  • Set, assess and monitor independent study
  • Promote the Co-operative values, to:

Do what matters most                  Be yourself, always                 Show you care                Succeed together

  • Communicate important information about each pupil to their parents/carers
  • Communicate with parents respectfully and arrange meetings as appropriate.
  • Provide an extensive range of quality extra-curricular activities

Parents and carers - I/we will:

  • Support the academy in its mission to provide a safe and caring learning environment, where first class learning is the primary focus
  • Help my child to learn to take responsibility for their conduct by never making excuses for poor behaviour and supporting consequences as needed
  • Encourage the completion of independent study
  • Ensure my child wears full school uniform on their way to and from school
  • Ensure that my child arrives at school ready to begin lessons at 8.30am, unless there is a medical reason, in which case the academy will be informed on the first day of absence.
  • Ensure that my child has the correct equipment for each lesson, including Co-op Academy Walkden PE kit.
  • Attend all Parents’ Evenings/other meetings to discuss the progress/behaviour of my child.
  • Communicate important information to the school about my child
  • Address any queries about your child or the school, directly with us, so that the academy can respond and take appropriate steps.
  • Communicate with respect when meeting or speaking on the telephone with school staff

Pupils - I will:

  • Attend lessons on time and with the right equipment, ready to learn
  • Be in school unless a medical reason makes my attendance impossible.
  • Wear full Co-op Academy Walkden uniform correctly, including to and from school.
  • Be the best learner that I can be, completing all class and independent work by the deadlines set and to the best of my ability
  • Meet expectations of my behaviour, both in and out of lessons, by following the Academy code of conduct
  • Model good behaviour when travelling to and from the Academy
  • Uphold the Co-operative values, to:

Do what matters most     Be yourself, always           Show you care        Succeed together

  • Follow the instructions of any member of staff with courtesy and respect.
  • Show self-respect and be respectful of all other pupils at the academy, accepting their differences and making sure that all children are welcome in our community.
  • Respect and value my academy environment, keeping it clean, tidy and litter-free.
  • Use ICT and other school equipment appropriately and with respect.
  • Ensure that prohibited items, such as cigarettes/drugs/weapons are never brought to school

Appendix 3 - Off Site Direction & Managed Moves

Rationale and principles:

Our school works in collaboration with other Salford secondary schools and the local authority to arrange off-site directions and managed moves between schools. This approach is intended to be inclusive and safe; to respond to the needs of young people and maintain continuity of education.

It is essential that all movement of young people between schools is carefully managed and fair: these principles underpin our approach and that of all schools in Salford. Our school follows the Salford City Council Offsite Direction and Managed Move Protocol (2022). This document explains in detail how offsite directions and managed moves should be facilitated and scrutinised.

We use off-site directions and managed moves as part of our graduated response and, where

possible, as an early intervention. Off-site direction is a positive strategy to be used when other

interventions have proven ineffective.

Our school is a ‘home’ school (meaning that we send pupils on offsite directions and managed moves) and a ‘receiving’ school (we take in pupils from other schools on such moves). All decisions to undertake arrangements for such moves are informed by our capacity, the safety and needs of pupils and a spirit of collaboration with other schools in Salford. These moves are

discussed each month at the In Year Fair Access Panel (IYFAP).

Off site direction:

An off-site direction is the temporary placement of a child or young person in another school,

academy or AP school, intended to improve their behaviour. Parent or carer agreement is not required for an off site direction. Our approach is guided by Salford City Council’s protocol and by the following Department for Education advice.

Managed moves:

A managed move can only be offered as a permanent transfer to another school and may be the

outcome of an off-site direction. Parent or carer agreement is required for a managed move.

Off site directions and managed moves for vulnerable pupils:

Where a child has an EHCP, is on a Child Protection Plan, is Cared for or has a social worker, we

will try to avoid off-site direction or a managed move where possible. In particular, moves for Cared

For Children are strongly discouraged.


An off-site direction will usually last from 2 days to a maximum of 12 weeks. It is the

responsibility of the child’s home school to ensure regular reviews are undertaken at least every six

weeks. These reviews may lead to the off-site direction being ended early, but it is expected that

the receiving school will allow a reasonable period of time before concluding the move to give the home school time to organise an effective reintegration.

Ending an Off Site Direction:

At the end of the off-site direction the pupil will either return to their home school or take up a

permanent place at the receiving school.

Appendix 4 - Consequences Ladder

NB: This consequences ladder is a guide only, with the aim of improving consistency and fairness. The academy reserves the right to vary its application of consequences in order to best meet the individual needs of each pupil.






Up to 20 minutes late to school without a valid and authorised reason

15 minute break detention that morning


20+ minutes late to school without a valid and authorised reason

25 minute Community Conduct detention


2+ lates to lesson in a day

25 minute Community Conduct detention

Missed Detentions


Missed breaktime Late Detention

25 minute Community Conduct detention


Missed Community Conduct detention

24 hour placement in Reset.

CC results in a 20 minute lunchtime detention the next day


Confiscation of aerosol/perfume


Harmful or abusive behaviour


Open disrespect or refusal


Serious rowdy conduct

5 incidents of C1 in a week generates a 24 hour Reset placement


Disruption (not resulting in Remove)


No PE kit


No pen (pens are available in Pupil Services)


Wearing a coat in the building

C2 results in a 24 hour placement in Reset


Causing a severe breakdown of learning


Walking away from detention


Multiple pupils in a toilet cubicle


Refusal to correct uniform/wear academy provided loan items


Refusal to hand over a confiscated item




Using a phone during the school day


Walking away from staff

C3 results in any or a combination of extended Reset placement, off site direction, suspension, Acceptable Behaviour Contract or a bill to cover damage caused. Single instances of behaviours highlighted * or repeated C2 or C3 behaviour will also require consideration of permanent exclusion


Absconding from site


Aggressive or foul language directed at staff


* Drug or alcohol related incident


Extreme Theft, Graffiti or Vandalism (including misuse of fire alarm)


Homophobic harmful or abusive behaviour


* Illegal Items


Racial harmful or abusive behaviour


Sexual harmful or abusive behaviour


Sustained harmful or abusive behaviour


Vape or smoking related incident


* Violence

Appendix 4 - Staff Knowledge Check

The link to the staff knowledge check can be found here. Staff must score 15 points to have successfully completed this check.