CEIAG Policy 2024/25
Co-op Academy Walkden
Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
- Approved by: [Governing Council]
- Approved in: [November 2022]
- Review by: [November 2023]
At Co-op Academy Walkden we strive to provide a comprehensive Careers and IAG package for all 11-16 learners. Co-op Academy Walkden employs a dedicated full time member of staff, Mr Hemmings, and Careers Adviser, Lynne Loughnan to interview and provide 1:1 CEIAG to Co-op Academy Walkden pupils.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at Co-op Academy Walkden is defined as:
‘Interventions designed to enable individuals to make and implement well informed, realistic decisions about their career and manage subsequent transitions.’
Careers education and guidance programmes at Co-op Academy Walkden make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. They help them make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers.
At Co-op Academy Walkden we have a planned programme of activities to help young people make choices that are right for them, to help them to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to manage their careers throughout their lives.
Co-op Academy Walkden provides careers education for all learners and gives students’ access to careers information, advice and guidance in accordance with the 2011 Education Act. Staff will seek to provide each young person with the opportunity to access a learning route that suits their interests, abilities and learning styles.
Key Stage 3 in Years 7, 8 and 9, pupils develop their ‘Inspiration’ and ‘Aspiration’ in preparation for the world of work. The aim is to increase the awareness of career opportunities, employment sectors and job clusters. Concepts such as Labour Market information are explored through a planned PSHE curriculum in form time and employer engagement activities. Barriers to employment are visited through topics such as sector gender imbalance, stereotypes and growth sectors are all explored and embedded into the academic & enrichment curriculum to ensure that all children are confident that every opportunity, they aspire to, is accessible and achievable. Where possible guest speakers are invited in to promote and champion areas on imbalance, inequality and inequity. During KS3 they explore their skills, qualities and interests to learn how to identify and link their talents to opportunities within the world of work. As pupils enter Year 9 they areinited to attend a 1:1 careers appointment to support them with their option choices and their transition into Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 4 In KS4, whilst career inspiration and aspiration continues, the focus and priority shifts to personal guidance, reconciling pupil aspirations developed in KS3 pupils through to the ‘Application’ stage and their successful Post 16 transition. The ‘Application’ stage is where the various pathways to their aspirations are explored in the curriculum. Further Education & Higher Education speakers and visits are experienced in KS4. As are experiences with apprentices, apprenticeship providers and opportunities. Pupils attend work experience placements to increase their understanding and experience of the workplace. In Year 10, pupils have a series of lessons to prepare them and with a CV and successful interview skills.
In KS4, pupils attend talks from guest speakers from post-16 providers and employers. All YR11 pupils have individual interviews with our full time careers adviser throughout Key Stage 4. Y11 pupils such as; Disadvantaged, Behaviour, SEND and Looked-After Children have their appointments prioritised and have access to multiple appointments and support throughout the entire transition period to ensure successful progression. The academy works with all Post 16 providers to ensure effective transition referral records and information are shared to ensure that individual pupil needs continue to be supported beyond the transition process.
The following principles are based on the DFE Statutory Guidance for Schools 2011 policy – section 29.
Be presented in an impartial manner for years 8-11;
Co-op Academy Walkden will be held to account for the destinations of their leavers through the annual publication of Destination Measures;
include information on the full range of post-16 education or training options, including Apprenticeships & Universities;
Secured access to impartial face-to-face careers guidance; and promote the best interests of the pupils to whom it is given.
Do what matters most
All our students are prepared for their next successful stages of their lives..
Be yourself, always
To fulfill our potential, we challenge stereotypes, inequality and inequity - We are proud to be ambitious.
Show you care
We support and inspire each other to achieve, we lift those around us up to succeed
Succeed together
We live in a better community when we Succeed Together, we prepare each of our young people with the tools and confidence to succeed.
Co-op Academy Walkden also adopts the principles from the Statutory Guidance on Impartial Careers Education, October 2009
Empowers young people to plan and manage their own futures
Helps young people to progress – through opportunity and self-awareness
Responds to the needs of each learner – make and use action plans
Provides comprehensive information and advice
Raises aspirations which is a key focus at Co-op Academy Walkden
Actively promotes equality of opportunity and challenges stereotypes
Proactive in reducing the GAP in young people attending University through collaboration with the GMHAP (Greater Manchester Higher Achievers Programme)
Proactive in supporting all pupil transition points at post-14 & post 16 for technical education and apprenticeships.
To provide a CEIAG provision that serves the school community and supports business growth.
To raise awareness of the local and national labour markets
To reduce NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) figures
Investigate opportunities in learning and work
Identify areas for development, build self-confidence and develop a positive self-image through enrichment and extra-curricular activity
To enable students to use career management skills which they can use in future decision making and problem solving
To encourage flexibility, adaptability and self-reliance
To ensure that students are aware of all the pathways available at key transition points (in Year 8 & Year 11)
To enable students to present their own strengths and experiences to others
Identify, access and use the help and advice from our Career Advisor and key staff within school
Take some responsibility for their own development
Use relevant careers information to inform their decision about future choices
Recognise and respond to the main influences on their attitudes and values in relation to learning and work
To take account of evaluations throughout the year to inform planning for subsequent years.
To deliver a culture that recognises high attainment and ambition is central to economic welfare and social mobility.
To engage with external partners through a centrally managed database and booking system.
To promote growth sector career opportunities through strong business links, CEIAG educational marketing and curriculum.
To establish SLA led Industry partnerships that generate funding, internships, placements & opportunities.
To deliver a high quality enrichment program that excites, nurtures and enhances pupil development.
To deliver a diverse curriculum supporting disadvantaged pupils with alternative pathways towards career progression.
To create an influential alumni and provider network which inspires and widens access to advice on post 16 options.
To provide access to high quality face to face advice and guidance and to establish a whole school CEIAG approach which raises aspirations, attainment and achievement.
To equip pupils with the skills and qualities to meet the ever changing challenges of future employment.
To be influential at a strategic level to drive CEIAG within whole school improvement.
All students at Co-op Academy Walkden are entitled to a CEIAG programme which has clear stated objectives; which is progressive, and which has an integrated method of assessing student outcomes.
Co-op Academy Walkden will have an entitlement framework for the CEIAG programme which meets the needs of all students. CEIAG at Co-op Academy Walkden will provide a variety of impartial interventions and experiences that are designed to equip and enable all students to confidently make and implement well informed, realistic decisions about their careers and manage subsequent change.
WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP: Co-op Academy Walkden will endeavour to work with students, external agencies and partners to help deliver a comprehensive CEIAG programme.
With Students: Co-op Academy Walkden will inform students of the CEIAG programme available to them
With Staff: Careers Education is delivered by a number of staff. Departments are also encouraged to provide up to date careers information for their subject area. In addition, there are varieties of enrichment activities to enhance the careers curriculum.
With Employers: Co-op Academy Walkden works closely with employers to create opportunities for our students.
With Parents: Co-op Academy Walkden will communicate with parents enabling them to participate in events such as Parents Evening, Careers Days and Guidance Interviews.
With Providers: In line with our Provider Access statement list on the academy website, Co-op Academy Walkden will invite and provide access to a range of opportunity providers to offer information to students about local opportunities in employment, training and education via presentations, materials and/or group work sessions.
With the LA: Links are maintained with the Local Authority.
With Universities: Co-op Academy Walkden work in close partnership Greater Manchester Higher Achievers Programme to engage in all higher education programmes and initiatives.
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Management and Coordination): The Principal and the Senior Leadership Team have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that policy and practice in this area are followed.
The member of staff on the Leadership Group with responsibility for CEIAG is the Assistant Principal & Careers Leader Mathew Hemmings. CEIAG is supported by the governing body.
The Careers Advisor will be responsible for the delivery of the Information, Advice & guidance programme.
1:1 Career Guidance
Networking with external agencies/partners
Organising career events
Work Experience
Support for colleagues
Liaise with Local Authority to provide Post 16 Tracking information
Liaise with post-14 provisions to ensure guidance is provided for all pupil transition points
The CareersAdviser is Level 6 Qualified Careers Professional
Funding is allocated in the annual school budget for CEIAG. The school is frequently updated with up to date information, displays and opportunities.
Professional Development:
Attendance at relevant careers training events
Members of Careers & Enterprise Company
Working towards Inspiring IAG Quality Award
Access to CEIAG Professional Support Services
Internal staff CEIAG CPD Session
Monitoring, Evaluating And Reviewing CEIAG:
Work in CEIAG seeks to ensure achievement in a variety of practical ways:
The careers curriculum is assessed and evaluated whole school against the CDI Framework and embedded within the academic curriculum, PSHE curriculum and during form time
In Year 7/8, pupils complete Xello lessons to assess their strengths and skills.
In Year 8, pupils focus on their KS4 Options and potential Career Paths.
Year 9 pupils are offered a 1:1 careers appointment to discuss and support their options choices.
Year 10 pupils receive PSHE lessons to learn and prepare for Post-16 progression
In Year 11, pupils complete a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Personal Statement to support their post 16 applications.
In Year 11, pupils attend a 1-hour Xello introduction and application support sessions
In Year 9 pupils complete a week long virtual work experience
Year 10 pupils complete a week long work experience placement.
Local Authority works closely with the Careers Leader & Adviser to closely monitor and review post 16 transition & destinations. The same is applicable to students in other year groups who require additional support and advice to overcome any barriers to their progression.
The school CEIAG provision is also reviewed via a questionnaire to all Yr 11 students and through meetings with staff.
Questionnaires/group interviews are done with a selected cohort of year 11 students annually for them to voice how coherent the School’s career provision is.
This CEIAG Policy at Co-op Academy Walkden will be reviewed annually unless a change of circumstance should dictate an immediate review.
All action plans and discussion records of pupil 1:1 meetings are collected and shared with pupils following appointments.
Intended destinations are captured at various points during KS3 & KS4 to inform strategic decisions and planning and to also ensure effective transition support and monitoring.
Gatsby Benchments standards are evaluated by tracking Individual pupils' career development engagements and activities using the Careers & Enterprise Compass+ software tracking system.
Sources of References:
Co-op Academy Walkden Careers Website
Co-op Academy Walkden CEIAG Provider Access Statement
Co-op Academy Walkden CEIAG PROVISION 3. Careers Education Framework 7-19 (DCSF 2010)
The Statutory Guidance: Careers guidance provision for young people in schools
(12 April 2017)
Quality, Choice and Aspiration: A Strategy for Young People's Information, advice and guidance (DCSF October 2008))
Careers, Work Related Learning and Enterprise 11-19 (QCA 2008)
Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance (2014)
CDI Framework