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We have policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues, which include tackling radicalisation and extremism, together with recording and monitoring processes.

Please see a copy of our Safeguarding leaflet


At Co-op Academy Walkden we have policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with Safeguarding and Child Protection issues. 

In this section you will find policies, which include tackling radicalisation and extremism, together with recording and monitoring processes. You will also find signposting and support advice. 

Our aim is promote a safe environment for students, we employ a strict selection and recruitment policy which includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including Enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks.

To promote a safe environment for students, we employ a strict selection and recruitment policy which includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers, including Enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks. All staff are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities and the training is monitored and comprehensive records kept by the DSL.

Co-op Academy Walkden has a designated safeguarding lead and safeguarding team who will provide support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and who will liaise closely with other services such as children’s social care.



We want everyone in our community to understand our policy and how to keep themselves safe. Therefore, we have created an easy read version which is aimed at our students. This along with our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found on the policies page.

Safeguarding Team

All staff are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities and the training is monitored and comprehensive records kept by the DSL. 

Co-op Academy Walkden has a designated safeguarding lead and safeguarding team who will provide support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and who will liaise closely with other services such as children’s social care.


  • Mr Hacker – Principal 
  • Miss K Peet – Senior Pastoral Leader & Designated Safeguarding Lead 
  • Mrs E Beattie Safeguarding Officer & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs Lisa Dronfield -CFC Coordinator & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 
  • Mrs S King – Assistant Principal SEND/ Inclusion & Designated Teacher 
  • Safeguarding Link Governor – Oona Cassidy


  • Mr C Corbett – Vice Principal (Pastoral) 
  • Mr P Ward - Associate Assistant Principal (Behaviour & Culture)
  • Mrs O'Dwyer – Head of Year 7 
  • Miss Palmer-Hurd – Head of Year 8 
  • Mrs Garner – Head of Year 9
  • Mr McHugh – Head of Year 10 
  • Ms Johnson– Head of Year 11


  • Mrs Faulkner - Attendance Manager 

School staff are available to contact via telephone during normal school hours (8am-4pm).

Contact us

If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns, contact our DSL: 

Miss K Peet
Tel: 0161 850 2693

Early Help 

Salford Family Partnership - information can be found via the link below:

Early help for families - Salford City Council

In the document below, you will find all the content regarding:

  • to identify children, young people and families who may need help and support
  • to understand and meet the needs of children, young people and families
  • to ensure services across a range of organisations are coordinated and focussed on
  • children, young people families with the most pressing and complex needs
  • to participate in local and national research to assess how well the services are working in
  • delivering better long-term outcomes for children, young people
  • and families and in making services more effective
  • to meet government requirements to deliver the national Supporting Families

Early Help

Extremism and Radicalisation

Schools have a duty of care to their students and staff which includes safeguarding them from the risk of being drawn into terrorism. 

Our overriding aim is to ensure that young people are safeguarded and that no one is drawn towards radicalisation and terrorism. 

The aim of the PREVENT strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people from being drawn into terrorism, either becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. 

PREVENT works at the pre-criminal stage by using early intervention to encourage individuals and communities to challenge extremist and terrorist ideology and behaviour. 

  • The Government’s PREVENT duty statutory guidance document can be found here . 
  • The Government’s policy on counter-terrorism can be found here. 
  • The Government’s revised PREVENT duty Guidance for England &Prevent strategy 2011 - GOV.UK ( Wales can be found Prevent duty guidance: England and Wales (2023)

All our staff receive regular PREVENT Duty training and we also have a dedicated team who lead on safeguarding and online safety within our Academy. 

 ‘PREVENT’ was established by the government as part of its’ wider counter-terrorism strategy called CONTEST. 

Prevent’s aim is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism and as a school we have responsibility to follow procedures to protect our students from radicalisation and extremism. 

The Prevent strategy has three objectives: 

  • Challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it
  •  Protecting vulnerable people
  • Supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation

The full Prevent Strategy Review can be accessed here: Prevent strategy 2011

Further information & guidance can be found here: The Prevent Duty Salford City Council and ACT

The Department for Education has a helpline for anyone concerned about a child who may be at risk of extremism. 

Online: Making a referral to Prevent


Telephone: 020 7340 7264

Further guidance can be found here: Prevent: Referral form and guidance

The Prevention Lead for our academy is - Miss Kirsty Peet, Senior Pastoral Leader & Designated Safeguarding Lead. Email -

Operation Encompass & Support

Operation Encompass is a police and education initiative to safeguard and support children and young people following a domestic abuse incident. 

When a child or young person has been involved in, or been exposed to, a domestic incident information is reported directly to the school’s trained ‘Key Adult’ prior to the start of the next school day. Appropriate support can then be offered to the child in school. 

Working together in partnership with Salford Local Authority to safeguard Children, Operation Encompass enables staff to support students following an incident of Domestic Abuse where the Police attended. 

You can also find out more at: Home: Operation Encompass

Signposting & Support 

The Government's definition of domestic abuse is: 

Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. 

This includes: Psychological, Physical, Sexual, Financial and Emotional. 

For more information and help see these sources: 

Parents and carers | Salford Safeguarding Children Partnership

Safe in Salford – Salford Foundation - Domestic Abuse Service: 0161 793 3232

National Domestic Violence Helpline : 0808 2000 247 (24 hours) 

Domestic Abuse Help · National Centre for Domestic Violence (

Greater Manchester Police: Contact us | Metropolitan Police 

Housing advice and support - Salford City Council

Salford City Council: 0161 793 2500 / 0161 794 8888 (Out of hours) 

Sexual assault - Salford City Council

St. Mary’s Sexual Assault Crisis Line: 0161 276 6515 Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) - Saint Mary's Hospital  

Greater Manchester - Victim Support: 0300 303 0162 

TLC: Talk, Listen, Change - A Relationships Charity: 0161 872 1100

Help For Domestic Violence Perpetrators | Respect Phoneline UK: 0808 802 4040 

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men | Men's Advice Line UK: 0808 801 0327

Mental Health: Wellbeing & Support

In the document below, you will find all the content regarding:

  • Mental health & wellbeing support
  • What to do if you need help 
  • Self-Harm 

Mental Health: Wellbeing & Support

Additional Support & Online Safety

In the document below, you will find all the content regarding:

  • Online Safety for students
  • Safeguarding information for parents/carers
  • Keeping your child safe online
  • Useful websites to help keep your child safe online
  • Charity / Foodbank Support
  • Children with additional needs

Helplines and Online Safety

Bullying and Discrimination

Webelieve that all children have a right to attend the academy and learn in a safe environment. Children should be free from harm by adults in the academy and other students. We encourage mutual respect and tolerance through:

The Ways of Being Co-op:

  • Do what matters most
  • Be yourself, always
  • Show you care
  • Succeed together

Our promotion of the fundamental British values of:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Our Anti-bullying policy can be found here.


For Financial Support contact: Spirit of Salford Helpline

The Spirit of Salford Helpline is still available for you to get help, support and advice on lots of different issues that you might be facing at the moment, including advice about help and support for cost of living rises, COVID and Home for Ukraine.

  • The helpline number is 0800 952 1000 

Option 1 for COVID advice is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

The other options are available as follows:

  • Option 2 is health improvement team, open 8.30am to 4.30pm
  • Option 3 is Salford Assist, open 8.30am to 4pm
  • Option 4 is any other Spirit of Salford call, open 8.30am to 6pm

Option 5 is Homes for Ukraine support, open Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm

Charity/Food Banks

Should you require help with food bank donations or financial support. It is worth noting that families cannot just turn up to the food banks, you will need a food voucher first. For details of agencies who can provide these please visit: Salford Foodbank

Welfare Grants - Family action & support - Family Action’s Welfare Grants programme aims to help prevent an immediate crisis from spiralling and threatening the stability of families and individuals.

Emmaus Community Homestore is run by Emmaus, near Salford Precinct. Emmaus Salford (goods/cheap items) Emmaus House, 101 Fitzwarren Street, Salford, M6 5RQ Tel: 0161 737 8279 Email: or

Mustard Tree - 0161 228 7331 Food parcels for people who are not receiving benefits because they have been stopped or suspended. Referral needs to be from a supporting agency who knows the client.

Young Person Support Fund (Homeless) Tel: 228 7655 or 228 7654

Wood Street Mission Tel: 0161 834 3140 or

Booth Centre (Homeless drop in centre) - Free drink and sandwich Tel: 835 2499 

Befrender Service - in Manchester near Piccadilly contact Deccan - David Smith - 0161 278 6795 you need to give parents a letter on letter headed paper that states that you are supporting and the family needs a food parcel, also if there are any dietary requirements.

Salford Assist - Families will only be able to apply for essential items such as fridge, cooker, beds etc. If a family is in need of emergency items such as gas/electric for metre, food, nappies etc then they will be expected to attend Salford Opportunities Centre where they will be supplied with vouchers for the items. 

Children with additional needs

Disability Grants - For children and young people with additional needs or disabilities

Family Fund - Helping disabled children

Turn2us - Grants & Financial advice and support